
Showing posts from May, 2022

Should I use my 401K to buy a home?

  Buying a home can be a financial stretch. With soaring home values and rising interest rates, many potential first time home buyers find saving for a down payment increasingly difficult. For many people, the main source of savings is in the form of a 401k and tapping into this resource for a home purchase is one way to find the down payment necessary to finance a new home; but should you use your 401k to buy a home? Experts are conflicted. A 401k is a retirement savings plan offered by employers which takes pre-tax earnings and deposits it into an investment account for use in retirement. The money in a 401k account can be accessed by either taking out a loan against the balance or by a straight withdrawal. A withdrawal before the age of 59.5 is also subject to a 10% penalty. Taking out a loan from a 401k account may be a viable option for potential home buyers. For one thing, a loan from your 401k should not count against your borrowing power. You also don’t need to qualify beca...

5234 Abington Way For sale in Millcreek
