#1 Thing Realtors Wished Buyers Knew

The #1 Thing Realtors Wished Buyers Knew True or false? The listing Realtor, or the Realtor's name on the sign or advertising, is the only Realtor who can show and sell that house? If you said false, CONGRATULATIONS! You understand how Realtors work! If you said true, let me educate you.................. I have been selling real estate a long time and I'm constantly dumbfounded as to why buyers don't know this. Even some 2nd time or 3rd time buyers don't know this. ANY REALTOR CAN SHOW ANY HOUSE! Let me repeat this. ANY REALTOR CAN SHOW ANY HOUSE! If Realtors could only show and sell their own listings, we all would be broke and the turnover rate in real estate would be even higher than it is now. Which is pretty high by the way! I don't know the exact stat on this but trust me, I see Realtors coming and going all the time. Reasons on why to get in real estate and why not to get in real estate will be my next blog but until th...